Certificate for SHA: competitionline Ranking 2019/2020

32nd place out of 30,000 architecture firms in Germany

The competitionline ranking 2019/2020 has been published. Our office ranks 32nd in the ARCHITECT category out of 30,000 architectural offices in Germany. We are looking forward to it!

The competitionline ranking is the only comparison of architects in the German-speaking world that is based exclusively on competition results. Once a year, the editorial team evaluates all competition results from Germany and abroad published on the platform (as of 2018: more than 2,000 results). This results in the ranking of the most successful offices in the competition.

The results for the period from June 1, 2018 to December 31, 2019 are taken into account for the current ranking. For SHA, this range includes the 1st prize for the development of the Hoeschpark in Dortmund into a health, sports and leisure park with supra-regional appeal and the recognition for the redesign of the regatta area at Lake Baldeney in Essen.

SHA recently received recognition for the new adult education center in Dortmund. This award is then reflected in the ranking list for the coming year.