Our philosophy, our self-image

How SHA thinks and works


We shape our environment and want to make it better and more liveable with our buildings and facilities. If we can do that, we will be successful. Architecture and urban planning form public space, working and living environments. Unlike art, it is impossible to escape architecture and urban planning because we are always moving within them. And unlike fashion, architecture must be durable, timeless and coherent because we cannot simply discard or replace it.

This means that we have a special responsibility not only to our client, but also to the general public.


We are curious, listen very carefully and analyze complex requirements precisely. We do not see construction tasks with difficult framework conditions as a restriction, but rather as a special challenge in which we can demonstrate our expertise. Throughout the entire process, we see ourselves as pragmatic and solution-oriented caretakers who hold all the threads together with an overview and foresight. We drive planning forward with continuity, reliability and precision – right through to detailed execution. We are available to the client as a contact partner for any questions.

This allows them to continue to concentrate on their core business. Our construction management monitors the execution on site throughout Germany and is a reliable advisor and problem solver during the construction phase and beyond.

Long-term nature

Long-term corporate strategies require future-oriented planning. A successful company not only sees the here and now, but must also plan ahead in order to effectively utilize development opportunities and potential. That’s what SHA does.

We always think outside the box for our clients and see every task as a building block in a larger context. What is the demand in the short, medium and long term? How can synergies be created? How can existing systems be optimized and integrated?

These are all questions that perhaps go beyond the classic construction task, but which we take for granted.

Economic efficiency

For us, construction management starts at the design stage. Long before the first excavator rolls in, our construction management team works with the planners to take care of the costs and deadlines. Initial schedules are drawn up at the start of the project, refined as the project progresses and continually optimized. Our project controlling offers our clients transparent cost control: from the cost framework at the start of planning through to cost determination on completion of the project. Adherence to the jointly agreed budget and the agreed standards is always our top priority. That is why we rely on personal contact and our presence on the construction site.


Every building project is individual and requires a customized solution. For this reason, a project begins for us even before the actual planning with the service phase zero, in which we are primarily concerned with understanding our client, his needs, the organizational and functional processes.

This lays the foundation for holistic planning and a successful, innovative project. This is how we give our buildings identity and character.


The origin of the word “architecture” means “art of building”. For SHA, we translate this into an attitude: when pragmatic architecture emerges from the logistical and functional requirements of our customers, we can create real added value – and architecture as we understand it. True to the motto “form follows function”, as Mies van der Rohe already knew.

We will show you creative solutions in which aesthetics, functionality and economy go hand in hand.


A respectful exchange at eye level – this is not only important to us in the office, but also in our daily interactions with our customers and partners.

We accompany and support our clients throughout all phases of the project. A personal level with fixed contact persons and trusting cooperation are the be-all and end-all for us. The best confirmation of our work is when we are commissioned again and are able to realize follow-up projects with our clients.

You are in good hands with SHA.


In our eyes, good architecture is created when we succeed in creating added value from the synthesis of all functional, ecological, structural-spatial, economic and, above all, socio-cultural qualities, which are rarely mentioned in the requirements program of a project, from which everyone benefits in the long term – and thus sustainably. Our aim in construction projects is to develop clear and easily comprehensible concepts using carefully deployed resources.

SHA is already implementing many resource-saving measures not only on the construction site, but also within the office.