Phoenixplatz 3
44263 Dortmund
As a general planner, we are your sole contractual partner. In this way, we guarantee a clear and uncomplicated contract structure with a clear distribution of tasks.
We take over the selection of other companies and offices involved in the planning and construction process. Thanks to many years of cooperation with various planning parties, we can call in qualified specialist planners and construction companies to meet your individual needs.
We are your sole point of contact for all questions and requests relating to your construction project. If you contact us, we will make the project process easier for you and ensure that your construction project is implemented to your complete satisfaction.
By carefully selecting the companies involved in planning and construction as well as checking and monitoring the progress of the project, we can guarantee you a high-quality building and avoid faulty construction work.
With our many years of experience in planning complex construction projects, you benefit from experienced coordination and high-quality planning and construction implementation. We relieve you of your duties as the client and save you a great deal of coordination, time and expense.
As a general planning architectural office, we are responsible for all architectural, engineering and specialist planning services and coordinate project processes with other companies involved in the planning process. We monitor the entire planning and construction progress of your project on your behalf as the client in order to guarantee you high-quality, on-time implementation within budget.
The implementation of a construction project poses a number of challenges for you as the client. In addition to commissioning suitable specialist planning offices, your responsibilities also include selecting and monitoring the companies involved in the construction work and regularly accepting the work performed.
As a general planning architectural office, we take on your tasks and duties and thus relieve you of the entire planning and realization process.
SHA provides you with a fully planned and high-quality building. With our many years of experience in the construction of complex building projects, we are at your disposal as your direct contact for questions and planning requests in order to jointly develop customized solutions that are economical, but also functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Phoenixplatz 3
44263 Dortmund
Erkelenzdamm 59-61
10999 Berlin