Orange your City: PhoenixWERK looks orange

Setting an example against violence against women

New York City Hall, the European Commission in Brussels, the state parliament building in North Rhine-Westphalia, Dortmund U, the blast furnace on PHOENIX West and the Florian Tower: they will all shine in orange light again this year on the evening of November 25, 2020 along with 45 other striking buildings in Dortmund. As part of the UN’s Day of Action for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the aim is to draw attention to violent crimes against women worldwide and to campaign for their rights.

On the initiative of Dortmund’s Zonta Clubs under the patronage of Dortmund’s Lord Mayor Thomas Westphal almost 50 Dortmund companies, authorities and organizations will light up buildings, landmarks and landmarks in orange on 25 November from 5 pm. Our office SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH is taking part in the campaign for the first time with the PhoenixWERK office ensemble completed this year.

“We have been aware of the ‘Orange your City’ campaign day for some time,” says Christoph Helbich. “After a personal conversation with Claudia Austermann from Zonta Dortmund, it was clear to us that we wanted to take part this year and actively set an example,” says the managing partner of SHA.

Violence against women and girls is a pervasive human rights violation. It must never be forgotten: Women and girls are also victims of physical and/or psychological violence in Dortmund. This is independent of age, education, nationality or other social factors, as confirmed by the police, victim protection associations and counseling centers.

The color orange was chosen by UN Women as an optimistic symbol for a future without violence against women and girls. And so, at the end of November, the PhoenixWERK on the old PHOENIX West steelworks site will send out a widely recognizable signal with the message: “Don’t look away! Especially in these difficult times, we need your attention!” Those affected should be encouraged to defend themselves, exercise their rights, seek advice and accept help.

Birgit und Christoph Helbich
»We want to set an example with the illuminated PhoenixWERK.«
Birgit und Christoph Helbich
PhoenixWerk Dortmund SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten
ZSN OTW SocMed 131019
PhoenixWerk Dortmund SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten