Foundation stone laid for the Amprion project house

New office and conference building on Phoenix West

SHA is supporting the Dortmund-based transmission system operator Amprion in the construction of an office and conference building on Robert-Schuman-Strasse. The foundation stone for the new project house at the Phoenix West technology and services site has now been ceremoniously laid. Jens Beele, site manager and authorized signatory, was present as a representative of our architectural office.

The four-storey building is being constructed directly opposite Amprion’s company headquarters and will provide space for around 680 employees. The gross floor area is approximately 26,480 square meters. Amprion is constructing the new building on a plot of land with an area of around 8,400 square meters. It is characterized by its energy efficiency: Sustainability is a priority in the planning and construction phase.

Dortmund’s Lord Mayor Thomas Westphal helped to wall up the time capsule and emphasized the relevance of the future location Phoenix West for the Ruhr area city in his welcoming address.

The project house is located in the south of Dortmund in the immediate vicinity of our architectural office.

Jens Beele: “The special appeal of the project lies in the planning during construction and the exciting collaboration in a large planning team of almost fifty engineers and specialists.”

SHA has been commissioned with construction supervision, which includes in particular quality and schedule assurance in work phase 8. SHA also provides Amprion with advice and support on the planning side.

Now that the excavation pit has been completed, the next few weeks will see the construction of the underground parking garage. The project house should then be ready for occupancy in the first quarter of 2023.

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Grundsteinlegung Projekthaus Amprion
Grundsteinlegung Projekthaus Amprion
Amprion Projekthaus © SSP AG
Grundsteinlegung Projekthaus
Grundsteinlegung Projekthaus (c) Frauke Schumann
Amprion Projekthaus Grundsteinlegung