Photo project "Favorite person"

Annual Inclusion calendar with motif from PhoenixWERK

It got really loud at PhoenixWERK for an afternoon in the summer. And above all: beautifully colorful! There was a good reason for this: great pictures of happy children against an impressive industrial backdrop were taken here for the inclusive photo project “Lieblingsmensch”. These and many other photos have now been turned into a varied annual calendar. What’s behind it?

The calendar depicts friendships between children with and without disabilities. The sensitive photos show how naturally and informally the children interact with and among each other. Everyone belongs; that is inclusion in action. Motto: “If all children can be there, it’s normal to be different.”

The “shoot” on the roof terrace of the PhoenixWERK was arranged by Jonas Schwarzenhölzer, site manager at SHA. He got to know Steffi Kirstenpfad and her photo project through a daycare group of his own children. Incidentally, the picture from the office building with a view of the historic blast furnace is the June motif. The “comic book heroes” theme is easy to recognize: Batman, Superman & Co. have clearly taken a liking to the youngsters. There was no shyness in front of the camera – you can see that in the lively shots!

The aim of the “Lieblingsmensch” project is to interest the public in the topic of inclusion and to raise awareness. And affected parents should also be encouraged.

Despite the hurdles and worries they face, they all have adorable children with wonderful qualities.

The net proceeds from the calendar will be donated to the specialist clinic for pediatric neurology and social pediatrics in Unna Königsborn. The calendar has been published in a limited edition of 300 and costs €20. It can be purchased directly from photographer Steffi Kirstenpfad.

Lieblingsmensch (3)
Lieblingsmensch (1)
PhoenixWerk Dortmund SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten