Replacement building Andreasschule east wing, village community center and music house Ahaus-Wüllen
Architectural services: contract awarded to SHA and quadrat+ architekten
The ARGE SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH with quadrat+ architekten was awarded the contract in the competition for the object planning services for the extension of the Andreasschule Ahaus-Wüllen, the new construction of a village community center Ahaus-Wüllen and the extension of the rooms for the music club Ahaus-Wüllen.
The concept
The new construction of the school extension, the music club and the village community center offers the opportunity to restructure and differentiate the address formation and to strengthen the identity of the village. The design blends naturally into the existing structures, reacts directly to its surroundings and also creates defined open spaces.
The two-storey structure adapts to the existing heights of the school and the new
The building is adjacent to the sports hall and, with its loosened, meandering cubature, takes appropriate account of the small-scale character of the village of Wüllen.
The gabled roof architecture that characterizes the area is reflected in the sloping roof surfaces, which accentuate the new building in a loose sequence of gables.
The open space is divided into three thematically different and spatially defined courtyards. The schoolyard will remain in its current size and location.
Under the large-canopy trees, recreation areas with benches, platforms and wooden decks will be created, which, like a green classroom, will enable outdoor lessons.
Green spaces will be integrated around the trees and at the edges to break up the current high level of sealing, structure the area and increase the quality of stay.
The newly created village courtyard in the shade of the existing tree forms the address and meeting point for the village community center and the music club. The playground to the north will be connected to the school playground and the village courtyard via spacious passageways. Here, too, the existing trees will be preserved and the area upgraded through moderate restructuring.
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