Triathlon: Heat battle at Lake Phoenix

Three seasons of SHA at the start

No, the AOK run was not enough! Despite the heat, it was time for our team to head to the triathlon at Lake Phoenix yesterday. We started with three relay teams under the colors of Murtfeldt Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG for a good cause . Top: Our swimmers Mathias Haak and Harald Duesberg were the first 2. and 3. leave the water. After the event, everyone’s faces were beaming.

After the triathlon, we have now topped up Murtfeldt’s generous donation for a good cause. Help with career choices: Brackel 61 – Dortmunder Löwen want to move into the project apartment “Career orientation for secondary school pupils” as part of their project house “Anpfiff zur Vielfalt & Integration”. With this measure, the club aims to offer non-sporting orientation and qualification support. A great initiative that we are happy to support!