SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH
Phoenixplatz 3
44263 Dortmund
A store’s merchandise is its most important asset and its best advertising and identification medium. The new Flizz Eurobike bike center takes up this idea and architecturally places the company’s warehouse in the foreground.
As a large “monitor”, the warehouse is clearly visible from the street on the structure of the sales area. Even from a distance, the customer can see the warehouse illuminated from the inside at night, in which the wheels appear as clear shadows on the translucent profiled glass façade.
The architectural expression also represents the optimal arrangement of the functional areas of use:
Sales and workshop form the accessible customer areas on the first floor, whereby the workshop below the warehouse is directly connected to it via a freight elevator. This optimizes the routes and personnel deployment in the internal process.
The color concept of the building picks up on the company’s corporate design and uses the colors separately for each component. The monitor shines in the signal color yellow clearly visible in the street space, while the access body inside the building appears dove blue in the floors.
Phoenixplatz 3
44263 Dortmund