Mathias Haak
Team and site management T +49 (231) 44 20 20 43
M +49 171 34 36 937
E m.haak@sha.de
The BORUSSEUM, Borussia Dortmund’s club museum, has been completely overhauled and redesigned. Originally launched in 2009 on the initiative of the fans to mark the 100th anniversary. After the club opened its doors ten years later, a new concept was necessary. After all, there wasn’t just a lot of new things to tell from the world of sport, the content and dramaturgical structure of the existing permanent exhibition also needed an overhaul; keyword: digitization.
For the new BORUSSEUM, the new concept of the Viennese exhibition office MACHEN envisaged a completely new spatial layout. SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH was commissioned with the construction management for the prestigious property in order to coordinate the furniture and exhibition construction for the contents of the new exhibition.
The installation of the eight thematically different exhibition areas with all kinds of exhibits – for example the “treasure chamber” with the trophies won or the fan area with an impressive mirrored ceiling – is supplemented by eight functional areas. The latter invite exhibition visitors to join in; with the “Pottstars”, for example, soccer songs can be belted out, creating a stadium atmosphere.
A “yellow thread” leads from the August Lenz House via the access elevator and the connecting bridge into the exhibition and guides visitors through it.
SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH was also responsible for services in the outdoor area at Signal-Iduna-Park to improve the access route. This includes wrapping on the buildings and floor markings in the exhibition and new paintwork on the existing buildings.
Since May 2022, the new BORUSSEUM has once again been a contemporary and public-oriented venue for BVB’s fan and remembrance culture. It informs, entertains and uses the charisma of soccer to promote values such as tolerance, diversity and democracy.
T +49 (231) 44 20 20 43
M +49 171 34 36 937
E m.haak@sha.de