hagebau logistics location Herten
Rapid planning after major fire
The warehouses of hagebau Logistik in Herten were almost completely destroyed in a major fire in March 2020. Immediately afterwards, the company decided to rebuild the halls as quickly as possible. As one of six warehouse locations in Germany, Herten occupies an important position in hagebau’s logistics strategy; therefore, the new building was used to expand the burnt-down halls from the previous 7,760 square meters to 13,500 square meters. There are now also three fire compartments. A modern photovoltaic system, which supplies the electric forklifts at the site with electricity, focuses on energy efficiency. With the covered outdoor areas, a total of 28,000 square meters of the 86,000 square meters of company premises are now available.
“After the fire, it was important to redesign the building quickly in order to minimize the loss of business,” says Dipl.-Ing. architect Marcel Schlegel, who was in charge of the project for SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten.
Demolition work began two months after the fire. The new planning started at the same time. Following planning permission in December 2020 and the ground-breaking ceremony in April of the following year, the construction phase took just nine months until completion in December 2021. The work was carried out by the construction company Brüninghoff.
Since the spring, DIY stores throughout the Ruhr region can once again be supplied from Herten. All Herten employees, who had been kept on at other hagebau logistics locations in the meantime, were able to return to their jobs – 24 months after the major fire, full operations were possible again.
Photos: Christian Eblenkamp