Award: Our architecture firm is a "Top Employer for SMEs 2021"

... and: We are hiring!

FOCUS Business and the employer rating platform kununu have once again jointly selected the best employers in the German SME sector for 2021. The ranking is based on a survey of current and former employees. This is the fourth time the award has been presented – and SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH is back again after 2020. We say thank you!

“As a family business, we are delighted with the ratings,” says Birgit Helbich, Managing Director of SHA. “With PhoenixWERK, our new office in Dortmund, we offer an attractive working environment. We also promote the compatibility of family and career. We recently successfully completed the FamUnDo advisory program and are now officially a ‘family-conscious company in Dortmund’.”

For the time after the corona pandemic, everyone is hoping for joint employee events, company celebrations and much more, because personal exchange is very important at SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten. And best of all: we are currently looking for new colleagues for our planning offices in Dortmund and Berlin.

“We are hiring and looking for creative minds to join our team,” confirms Christoph Helbich, Managing Partner of SHA. There are vacancies both at our headquarters in the heart of the Ruhr region and at our branch in the capital. “So: We look forward to receiving meaningful applications!”, say Birgit and Christoph Helbich.

Top employers: these are the criteria

In order to determine the best employers in the SME sector, all kununu employee reviews were included, but especially those collected since January 1, 2019 – thus taking into account the criterion of topicality. All evaluation criteria – such as salary, working atmosphere and work-life balance – as well as the overall kununu score were taken into account.

Medium-sized companies in Germany with a minimum of 11 and a maximum of 500 employees and which also met the following criteria were considered:

  • Minimum number of employee ratings since 1.1.2019: 5
  • Minimum number of employee ratings in total: 10
  • Minimum score on kununu: 3.5 stars
  • Recommendation rate: at least 70 percent
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PhoenixWerk Dortmund SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten
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PhoenixWerk Dortmund SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten
007 Helbich Portrait SHA Dortmund Juni 2020