SHA: Families.Company.Dortmund

FamUnDo certification for our architectural office

After intensive months with exciting workshops and content-rich consultation appointments, the time has now come: SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH is certified as a “family-conscious companyin Dortmund” and is allowed to use the FamUnDo logo. We are looking forward to it! The certification is both an award and an incentive to continue and expand the family-conscious personnel policy.

“A lot has happened for us in recent years,” summarizes SHA Managing Director Birgit Helbich after the final FamUnDo audit. “Our architecture firm has grown considerably – and with it the needs of employees in different life situations.”

The compatibility of family and career is a broad field: it includes, for example, individual part-time models for young parents, but also for colleagues who care for relatives. It is reflected in SHA’s self-image to open up the company and offer internships for school students on an ongoing basis. Or in occupational health care: be it height-adjustable desks, fresh fruit at the workplace or weekly fitness, endurance and coordination training.

“We were already practicing a lot of things before participating in FamUnDo. And yet we got some good impulses from the program and were pleased about the exchange with other companies in the region. Networking worked well despite the coronavirus restrictions,” says Christoph Helbich, Managing Partner of SHA.

The motto “Your individual solution is our benchmark” applies to everything, not only to customers and clients, but also to our own employees.

Some selected measures that are now being implemented: SHA recently purchased a defibrillator for all tenants at PhoenixWERK. This and a safety officer contribute even more to health promotion and prevention. Regular employee appraisals and internal knowledge management are to be systematically developed further. And, and, and…

The efforts are also bearing fruit outside of the FamUnDo program. SHA was recognized as a TOP SME employer in 2020 and 2021. In addition, our architecture firm was awarded the Total E-Quality award last year. As part of FamUnDo, we have also joined the “Success Factor Family” network.

This is FamUnDo

The Dortmund Economic Development Agency offers all companies interested in a family-conscious and forward-looking HR policy the “Family-conscious companies in Dortmund” advisory service. Together with an external consulting company, the B.A.U.M. Group, the Economic Development Agency accompanies interested companies on their way to becoming more family-friendly and supports them in implementing specific measures.

The offer has a term of around eight months and is aimed at companies in all sectors and of all sizes. The program offers topic-related workshops and individual consulting days at the company.

The content of the consultation includes, for example The economic effects of a family-conscious HR policy, the need for personnel development when leaving and returning to work or flexible working time models.

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RZ Broschüre FamUnDo 2011.indd
007 Helbich Portrait SHA Dortmund Juni 2020