SHA: Member of the "Success Factor Family" network
The compatibility of work and family has been an essential part of SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH’s philosophy for many years. As a new member of the nationwide corporate network“Success Factor Family“, our office now benefits from the combined experience and good examples of the many other companies. “By becoming a member of the network, we show both internally and externally that the compatibility of work and family plays a major role in our architecture firm,” says Managing Director Birgit Helbich. “We want to find an individual solution for each of our colleagues’ life situations.” In addition, SHA is currently also taking part in the local advisory program “FamUnDo” – family-conscious companies in Dortmund.
Family as a success factor
The corporate network “Success Factor Family” was founded in 2007 by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce as a central platform for family-friendly companies.
Since then, it has grown continuously and now includes members ranging from small businesses to DAX-listed companies.
With its services, the network office primarily supports small and medium-sized companies in the practical implementation of a family-friendly personnel policy. Together with the leading associations of the German economy (BDA, DIHK, ZDH) and the DGB, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs is committed to making family-friendliness a trademark of the German economy.

»The practical examples provide helpful tips for everyday operations at SHA«