Volker Kaminsky, authorized signatory and head of planning – and has been with SHA for 30 years!

Today we are celebrating the anniversary of our longest-serving colleague Volker Kaminsky, who has been part of the SHA team since July 1, 1994.

1st SHA Think Tank under the motto “Innovation” at PhoenixWERK

Innovative ideas, creative food for thought and lively discussions between colleagues took place yesterday evening at PhoenixWERK on the occasion of the 1st SHA Think Tank.

SHA team members certified as specialist consultants for building greening

Two SHA team members are certified specialist consultants for roof and façade greening and will be contributing their expertise to our building planning from now on.

Ground-breaking ceremony in Recklinghausen – start of construction work on the new Thyssengas operating center

Together with the client and representatives from the press and politics, we officially heralded the start of construction work on the new operating center.

Another milestone reached at PhoenixWERK in Dortmund Hörde.

On Friday, 12.01.2024, the inauguration of the third office building of PhoenixWERKS was celebrated at Phoenix West, which was completed at the end of 2023 after 3 years of planning and construction.

DGNB auditor in the SHA team

We would like to congratulate our employee Laura Spickenheier, who has completed further training to become a DGNB auditor and thus an accredited expert for sustainable construction.

Factory tour and professional exchange – SHA visits a long-standing partner

With an upcoming timber construction project in Kaarst in mind, our team was invited to the central and production site in Heiden on 30.11.2023.

AUFBAU events 2022

SHA Managing Director Christoph Helbich from SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten talks about the PhoenixWERK office ensemble and architecture at Novoferm’s AUFBAU 2022 events. The venues in October are Hamburg and Dortmund.

The first apprentice in SHA history

As of today, SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH is offering apprenticeships! Chiara Tenhumberg is the first apprentice in SHA’s almost 95-year history. In three years’ time, she will be a draughtswoman. Welcome to the team!

Expansion of the management board

Dipl.-Bauingenieur Jens Beele, long-time authorized signatory and head of construction management, joins the management of SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH with immediate effect. The distribution of management responsibility over broader shoulders makes SHA fit for the future.