1st SHA Think Tank under the motto “Innovation” at PhoenixWERK

Innovative ideas, creative food for thought and lively discussions between colleagues took place yesterday evening at PhoenixWERK on the occasion of the 1st SHA Think Tank.

AUFBAU events 2022

SHA Managing Director Christoph Helbich from SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten talks about the PhoenixWERK office ensemble and architecture at Novoferm’s AUFBAU 2022 events. The venues in October are Hamburg and Dortmund.

The first apprentice in SHA history

As of today, SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH is offering apprenticeships! Chiara Tenhumberg is the first apprentice in SHA’s almost 95-year history. In three years’ time, she will be a draughtswoman. Welcome to the team!

“We see ourselves as caretakers”

A conversation with SHA Managing Director Christoph Helbich about planning from a single source, ‘form follows function’, current projects and the development of the architecture firm in recent years.

Expansion of the management board

Dipl.-Bauingenieur Jens Beele, long-time authorized signatory and head of construction management, joins the management of SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH with immediate effect. The distribution of management responsibility over broader shoulders makes SHA fit for the future.

TOTAL E-QUALITY in the Ruhr Metropolis” campaign

The “TOTAL E-QUALITY in the Ruhr Metropolis” campaign has celebrated its tenth anniversary. The 27 award winners – including SHA – toasted the great success. The aim is to improve equal opportunities for women and men in the workplace.

Our construction management: presence on site

We rely on personal contact and our presence on the construction site. SHA’s construction management monitors the execution on site throughout Germany and is a reliable point of contact during the construction phase and beyond.

SHA Journal – our architectural stories 2022

A lot has happened since the first issue of our magazine in 2018. High time to bring together all the small and large (architectural) stories of the recent past for a new edition! We hope you enjoy reading it and wish you lots of inspiration.

PhoenixWERK supports “Orange Your City”

Beacon against violence against women: On November 25, the PhoenixWERK shone in a rich shade of orange. SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH and REMIRA supply chain solutions joined the “Orange Your City” campaign.

FamUnDo awards ceremony

“FamUnDo” – the abbreviation stands for “family-conscious companies in Dortmund”. SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH has successfully participated in the consulting program. Birgit and Christoph Helbich accepted the certificate.