Award: Our architecture firm is a “Top Employer for SMEs 2021”

Our architecture firm has once again been recognized as a “Top Employer for SMEs 2021”. And: We have vacancies. We look forward to receiving detailed applications for our locations in Dortmund and Berlin.

Neighborhood parking garage: advice on electromobility

“We want to offer our customers, tenants, our team and the leisure public at Phoenix West a well thought-out concept with the neighborhood parking lot that takes into account the many aspects of the wide-ranging topic of ‘mobility’,” says Christoph Helbich.

SHA: Families.Company.Dortmund

FamUnDo: After an eight-month advisory program by the business development agency with a variety of workshops, our architecture firm has been certified as a “family-conscious company in Dortmund”.

SHA Scheffler Helbich Architects in Berlin

“Berlin! Berlin! We are starting in Berlin!” SHA has had a planning office in the heart of the capital since 2019. Two years after the starting signal, Christoph Helbich, Managing Partner of SHA, and Site Manager Christoph Wunderlich look back on the development.

SHA is a member of the “Success Factor Family” network

Reconciling work and family life has been an essential part of SHA’s corporate philosophy for many years. Now our office has become a member of the corporate network “Success Factor Family”.

Impressive sign against violence against women

Setting an example against violence against women – that is the message of “Orange your City”. The PhoenixWERK also lit up for this purpose.

Orange your City: PhoenixWERK looks orange

At the end of November, striking buildings are lit up in orange to send out a signal against violence against women. PhoenixWERK is there.

Photo project “Favorite person”

For the inclusive photo project “Favorite person”, great pictures with happy children were taken in front of an impressive industrial backdrop at PhoenixWERK. The varied annual calendar has now been published.

SHA receives TOTAL E-QUALITY award for equal opportunities

Reason to celebrate: SHA Scheffler Helbich Architekten GmbH has been awarded the “TOTAL E-QUALITY” award for equal opportunities for the first time.

Companies keep on running: SHA at nationwide sporting event

A sense of togetherness in times of Corona: everything as usual – just different. Each for themselves and yet together as a team: SHA took a great 28th place in the first Germany-wide company run.